Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Three doctors go hunting in the woods
the week before Thanksgiving.

They hear rustling in the brush,
the first doctor, the internist says
Looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, goobles like a turkey,
must be a turkey
” . . . He shoots and he misses.

A short time later,
they spot movement in the brush,
the second doctor, the pathologist says
Brown feathers, red neck and fan-like tail feathers,
must be a turkey
” . . . He shoots and he misses.

About 10 minutes latter,
they again hear rustling in the brush,
the third doctor, the surgeon just fires away
Blam. Blam. Blam and two birds drop dead.
He looks at his friends and says
“Guys, go check if those were turkeys.”